"Good Morning Portugal! Ola Bom Dia! Tudo bem?"

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Thank you GuMPers!

THANKS TO OUR SUPPORTERS, SPONSORS & THE GUMPERS WHO MAKE GMP! POSSIBLE (Who doesn't LOVE them, first thing in the morning?! I know I do!!)

Expats Portugal, Bobby O'Reilly, The Ducks, The Heimbachs, Matt Lucas, Nuno, Heather at Boots on The Ground, Portugal, Savvy Cat Ana Caramujo, Christine, Jim White, Michele, Barb, Jackie, Alison, Gary, Chuck, Cordelia, Gavin, Erica K, Niranjalie, Marylou, Carlos, Erica C, Nicholas, Simone, Shannon & Barry, The Kings, The Whitbys, Raquel at Lighthouse Consulting, Andy Cline, Oceandweller Aviva, Bob & Viv, Linda, Leah, SquareEyes, The Bartons, Steve Whyte at Home Miners Property Investment, The Global Nobles & Starbuck, Keith, Virginia, Nicole of The Saudade Life, 'Friend of Slug' James, Helena, Francis, Elaine Godley, The Hellums, The Taylors, Johnny Cocktail, Steve Welton, Sol, Karen & Bob, Suzi, Andy Bishop, Ignace Neuman, Mark Scott-Knight, Chris Weadon, Gary Mills, Jack Ocean, Carlos Lima, MyDogSmells , Vickie Roberts , Maurice, Laura, Holly, Brian, Michael Caneva, Colleen Murphy, The Squire!- MUITO OBRIGADO!

Support the show and access our exclusive Portugal Club that includes a weekly online social and private social network & extensive resources for a delightful life in Portugal... JOIN NOW

Show host Carl Munson moved to Portugal with his wife and youngest children in 2017, and started the the Good Morning Portugal! show as a podcast soon after. 

During Portugal's 2020 pandemic lockdown, Carl thought a daily livestream for English language speakers might be a useful lifeline, which proved to be true and has not stopped since, nearly five years later, serving expats and foreigners living in Portugal, as well as those looking to move here.

What began as a state-of-emergency focal point, evolved into a 'how-to' show for would-be migrants to Portugal, and in 2025 will transform again into a breakfast show focused mainly on the joys of living in Portugal and the lighter side of life in general, to put a smile on viewer's and listener's faces, wherever they live in the world.

Please join us, and if you like what we do and would like to help us grow and prosper, please have a look at some of the ways you can support us, and get value yourself, below...

Dates for your diary 2024/5

8th February 2025

PARTY! 15th February 2025

March TBC Benecar Meetup